How to restart my server?

Restarting a Windows Server:

  1. Log in to the Server: Ensure you have the necessary administrative credentials to access the server.

  2. Open Command Prompt: Press Win + R to open the Run dialog, type cmd, and press Enter. This will open the Command Prompt.

  3. Enter Restart Command: Type the following command and press Enter:

    shutdown /r /t 0

    The /r flag indicates a restart, and /t 0 sets the delay to zero seconds.

  4. Confirm Restart: The system will initiate a restart immediately. If there are any open applications or unsaved data, the system will prompt you to confirm the restart.

  5. Wait for Restart: Allow the server a few moments to complete the restart process. Once it's back online, you can log in and resume normal operations.

Restarting a Linux Server:

  1. Connect to the Server: Use Secure Shell (SSH) or a physical console to connect to the Linux server with administrative privileges.

  2. Open Terminal: If you're using a remote connection, open the terminal. If you're physically present, access the server directly.

  3. Enter Restart Command: Type the following command and press Enter:

    sudo reboot

    You will be prompted to enter the sudo password to confirm the restart.

  4. Confirm Restart: Press Enter after entering the password. The system will initiate a restart.

  5. Wait for Restart: Allow the server to go through the shutdown and startup processes. Once the system is back online, you can reconnect and resume your tasks.

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